Play MINECRAFT as DOCTOR WHO! (Tardis Mod)Today in Minecraft Cody and his friends play as Doctor who using the Tardis mod. This mod brings in a working Tardi. · Dalek mod brings various contents from the Doctor Who series to Minecraft. With this mod installed, you can travel the universe using a fully functional Tardis. Battle various creatures and explore a vast array of planets as you go on a cool adventure with your friends. This content-heavy mod features a lot of new mobs including 3 bosses; Dalek /5(8). WHOCRAFT - The Doctor Who/Minecraft Experience: NOW FOR ! New Content Mod. 10%. VIEW. Minecraft Game Version. stepeffect 9 years ago • posted 10 years ago.
Play MINECRAFT as DOCTOR WHO! (Tardis Mod)Today in Minecraft Cody and his friends play as Doctor who using the Tardis mod. This mod brings in a working Tardi. 8th Doctor - Paul McGann - Doctor Who: TV Movie () 3. 12th Doctor - Peter Capaldi - Series 9 - The Girl Who Died. 3. Doctor who. 0. Doctor Who Number 11th regeneration. 0. Doctor Who Echo. 0. edit wallpaper apply to minecraft Download Save Close. doctor who - tardis resourcepack created by zeon_blacktooth this pack is dedicated to my brother kevin m ellis - the life of the doctor is a hard life to live. but nothing beats traveling to the ends of minecraft to another in the blue police box we now as the tardis. the pack has the complete look of the tardis inside and out.
The Dalek Mod is a mod for Minecraft which brings to world of Doctor Who into your game. Whilst using the mod you can travel the universe using the fully functional Tardis, explore a vast array of planets, battle the Cybermen and Daleks. Dalek mod brings various contents from the Doctor Who series to Minecraft. With this mod installed, you can travel the universe using a fully functional Tardis. Battle various creatures and explore a vast array of planets as you go on a cool adventure with your friends. This content-heavy mod features a lot of new mobs including 3 bosses; Dalek. a doctor who mod that adds the tardis, the moon(in update), galifrey (an update is coming),and more. the is here download its add new 3d model for the console and more!! The official discord: Discord. TARDIS.